Egyptomania is the expression best to describe my fascination with Egyptian art and culture as its influenced artists over thousands of years.

In 1922 the unearthing of King Tut was made and with this a new appreciation for Egyptian art and design was discovered. With an emphasis on the discovery of King Tut in the Art Deco period we saw a surplus of strong examples of how artists used Egyptian decorative motifs to their own advantage and applied them within the popular jewelry of the time. Emerging styles included scarabs along with Etruscan Revival techniques so popular during the Victorian era. As well as pendants of King Tut in his coffin.

The motifs were not always used in their most pure form and were stylized in the artists own interpretation. Some so clearly enamel scenes using Egyptian using figures you may see on the wall of a temple or a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Yet some so diluted that the motifs were barely recognizable as Egyptian, none the less producing wonderful pieces.

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